Wednesday 2 March 2011

How to Get Good Search Engine Rankings

Everybody wants to get good ranking for thier business websites in search engines like google,yahoo and bing.

If the phrase(s) you're trying to rank well for aren't competitive (that is, few other sites are using the same phrase) then getting good placement is pretty easy: just put the phrases you want to rank , you have to put your phrases in the <title></title> tag and put the pharases also into the body copy.So, first of all you have to put your phrases in <title></title> tag and secondly also put the phrases also in the bodycopy, don't use the phrases as images.

If your phrases is highly competitive then you have to follow these rules:

    * Write a <TITLE></TITLE> tag for each page that accurately describes that page (no more than about 64 characters).

    * Try to create two new pages every week. If you can't do that, try to do one page each week. At a bare minimum, create a new page each month.

    * As much as possible, your new pages should be unique, interesting, authoritative, and compelling.If you want to rank well for the phrase electric widgets, then make your site the best resource about electric widgets available.

    * Make sure all of your pages are accessible through normal <A HREF> links (i.e., don't use JavaScript or Flash links exclusively).

    * Link to quality relevant sites. After you do so, ask those sites to link to you, but don't make your link to them contingent on whether they link back.

    * Follow standard website design tips and avoid the problems listed on Problem Websites. Your site should be not only attractive, but super-easy to use, and completely free of annoyances.

    * Most importantly, purge your mind of trying to think of ways you can "trick" your way to the top of the results. Do NOT think about the specific nuts and bolts of how a search engine will rank your pages. Instead, build good, quality pages for your visitors, and trust that the rankings will follow.

So, at the the time of website optimization you have carefull about it.


giri said...

SocialMonkee is a must-have for anyone wanting to take their online business to the next level, so don't miss out on this great opportunity to skyrocket your search engine rankings!

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